On today’s episode of Creative Space, we’ll be exploring how to find clarity on your next step.

I share my own current conundrum with figuring out what’s next creatively speaking and how I’m responding to the uncertainty.

We’ll explore practical steps to stay proactive and creative during inevitable “waiting periods” that include adopting an exploration mindset and discovering the power of small, everyday actions that can prepare you for future opportunities—even if you’re not sure what they are just yet.

Have you ever found yourself lacking clarity as to where to go next in your life, career or creative pursuits? I’d love to hear your story. You can reach out to me at [email protected].

For more on me, your host and creative coach, visit: jenniferlogue.com.

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0:51—The backstory on my current creative conundrum

3:03—The key thing to remember about finding clarity

4:10—Adopting an exploration mindset