On this week’s episode of Creative Space, we’re diving into Chapter 11 of Julia Cameron’s seminal book on creativity, “The Artist’s Way.” The focus for this week is “Recovering a Sense of Autonomy.”

There is so much to cover but there are two principles we’ll talk about: acceptance, success and the zen of sports.

One of my favorite passages from this chapter:

“If you are happier writing than not writing, painting than not painting, singinging than not singing, acting than not acting, directing than not directing, for God’s sake, let yourself do it. To kill your dreams because they are irresponsible is to be irresponsible to yourself. Credibility lies with you and God—not with a vote of your friends and acquaintances. The creator made us creative. Our creativity is our gift from God. Our use of it is our gift to God.”

If you’re interested in reading “The Artist’s Way” and/or following along with the podcast as you complete the work, you can purchase it here.

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