On today’s episode of Creative Space, we’re addressing topics from Week 1 of Julia Cameron’s “The Artist’s Way,” which is all about recovering a sense of safety.

There are three core ideas that I cover in this episode: shadow artists, core negative beliefs, and affirmations.

From my own past as a journalist to the nuanced struggles of being a shadow artist, we peel back the layers of suppressed creativity and the impact early discouragement can have on us later in life.

I also dive into an exercise from “The Artist’s Way” that illuminates the power of affirmations in silencing our inner critic or “Censor.”  By transforming negative commentary “blurts” into positive affirmations, we can move from being creatively blocked to unleashing a fulfilling creative life. If you’ve ever been haunted by a sense of creative inadequacy or felt like your artistic voice was stifled, this episode offers a beacon of hope and actionable steps towards claiming the creative life you deserve.

Here’s a link to purchase “The Artist’s Way.”

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